layers separated |
current serigraph |
posterized image |
I will be posting on here for the next few weeks about my screen printing endeavors.
This is a screen printing project I've been working on for the past couple of weeks. The image is 7"x10.5" and it will be 8 colors in the end...as for now there are 6 colors on the paper. The image is from a photo I took in the Forbidden City in Beijing, China.
I took the digital image into Photoshop and separated the colors into different layers after posterizing the image to the levels I desired to print. I then blacked out each layer and digitally printed each color on its own transparency. These transparencies I then taped to my screens, which I had pre-coated with photo emulsion and let dry. I exposed the screens with the images to the light in the exposure unit to create the stencils. I will continue screening one color at a time until all are complete. The hardest part is getting the alignment just right and taping around the right areas of the screen to prevent paint from bleeding through in unwanted areas and flooding the image, which has happened on some of my prints already...at the top. Nonetheless, I print on.
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